My Teacher Site: Enhancing Classroom Communication

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MyTeacher Bio - What to Include

February 24, 2009 Tagged as Bio, Writing

When writing a biography for your teacher Web site, it's important to keep your audience in mind. Your students and their parents and your colleagues and administrators will likely read it. Knowing this, keep your biography short, concise, and professional.

As you begin, think about the skills, background, and education that make you a good teacher. Sure, you love children. Why else would you choose to become a teacher? But go beyond that. What skills do you possess that you would like to pass along to your students? Maybe you were a child that struggled through your elementary years until you had that "ah-ha" moment and you want to ensure that your students have that moment.

Briefly explain your work experience. It's not always best to tout that this is your first year teaching. Instead, focus on experiences you have had that will help you in your instruction. If you are a seasoned professional, include the number of years you have taught at which grade levels.

Discuss your future goals, such as obtaining additional endorsements or national certification. Maybe you aspire to be a principal or to write a book someday. Ambition is good as long as it benefits your students and doesn't get in the way of their achievement.

It's okay to include some personal information in your biography, such as your family, but keep it brief.

As you finish your biography, be sure it isn't too long-winded. You can create a good, quality biography in a paragraph. Any longer than that and you may lose your audience. In the end, have fun with it and be sure your own personality shines through!